
Nieuwe aanwinsten in de bibliotheek

1 september 2020
Auteur: Team Zuid-Afrikahuis


There Goes English Teacher
Karin Cronje
Modjaji Books, 2018
ISBN 9781928215615

On a ‘considered’ whim writer Karin Cronje packs up her life and flies across the world to teach English in a small Korean village. The result is a poignant, heart-achingly funny, scandalous, and deeply moving account of incomprehension, awe, dislocation, belonging, the sticky business of identity and the loss of it, sanity, and the loss of that.

Writing the Ancestral River: A biography of the Kowie by Jacklyn Cock
Wits University Press, 2018
ISBN 9781776141876

Writing the Ancestral River is an illuminating and unusual biography of the Kowie River in the Eastern Cape. This tidal river runs through the centre of what used to be called the Zuurveld, a formative meeting ground of different peoples who have shaped our history: Khoikhoi herders, Xhosa pastoralists, Dutch trekboers and British settlers.

By focusing on this ‘little’ river, the book raises larger questions about colonialism, capitalism, `development’ and ecology, and asks us to consider the connections between social and environmental injustice.

Die Kaapse Helpmekaar, c.1916-c.2014 : bemiddelaar in Afrikaner opheffing, selfrespek en respektabiliteit. Anton Ehlers
SUN PReSS, 2018
ISBN 9781928357780

Die boek beoog om die verhaal van die Kaapse Helpmekaar as katalisator in die ekonomiese opheffing van Afrikaners in die vaarwater van die Rebellie van 1914-15 te vertel. As ’n kredietverskaffer vir tersiêre opleiding van Afrikaanse studente vir meer as ’n honderd jaar, verteenwoordig dié verhaal in ’n sekere sin die verhaal van Afrikaners – van hul armblanke-status in die vroeg 20ste eeu tot vooruitstrewende burgers van die kapitalistiese verbruikerskultuur van die 21ste eeu.

Ek kom terug
Adriaan van Dis, vertaal deur Daniel Hugo
Protea, 2018
ISBN 9781485307679

Ná ’n lang lewe van swye en uitsluiting begin ’n moeder skielik met haar seun praat – aarselende ontboesemings oor grensoorskrydende liefde, verraad en drie oorloë. Hy, ’n romanskrywer, mag haar biograaf word, maar daar is ’n voorwaarde: Hy moet haar ’n sagte dood besorg.

Ek kom terug is ’n tragikomedie oor die onstuimige lewe van ’n vrou wat terugkyk op haar eeu.

The Other Side of Freedom: Stories of Hope and Loss in the South African Liberation Struggle, 1950-1994
Gregory Houston, Shepi Mati, Hangwelani Magidimisha, Elme Vivier, Mojalefa Dipholo
HSRC Press, 2017
ISBN: 9780796925572

A compilation of 26 profiles of a diverse selection of activists and leaders in the liberation struggle, framed between an introduction, a brief chronological account of the liberation struggle between 1950 and 1994, and a conclusive analysis of the autobiographical accounts as well as their legacy.

The chapters present a better and fuller portrait of several unsung heroes and heroines of the South African liberation struggle by penetrating beyond the deeds, ideals, sacrifices, glory and greatness to examine individual human beings who are still living, and their recollections of others who have passed on. 

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Keizersgracht 141-C
1015 CK Amsterdam


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