Uit het Huis

Maak kennis met de nieuwe stagiaire

6 juli 2022
Auteur: Johanah Lesego Lebelo


My name is Johanah Lesego Lebelo. I am a 18 year old South African studying in the Netherlands. 

I have been granted an opportunity to come work at the Zuid-Afrikahuis, in Amsterdam alongside the Communication and Events section for three days. During this period of time I have helped out with the organization of the Student Forum event by doing some research on ways to make the event as effective and successful as possible, and I have also been able to help out with the organization of files and mails. 

Even though my experience was very short, using different systems for filing has allowed me to extend my technological skills. Working at the Zuid-Afrikahuis has sparked a deeper interest into South African culture as it made me realise that there is more talent in South Africa that has not yet been witnessed by the world and the efforts that the Zuid-Afrikahuis team put into raising more awareness for South Africans in the Netherlands is commendable.

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Keizersgracht 141-C
1015 CK Amsterdam


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