
 INTERNATIONAL KHOIKHOI Film festival, December 2022

8 november 2022
Auteur: Persbericht


An annual showcase of human rights KHOIKHOI and First nation themed films set to take place at the BERTHA HOUSE from the 9th to the 10th December from 10-am -2pm

WHY the KHOIKHOI film festival?
KHOIKHOI peoples are First people of South Africa who have almost been erased post-1994 from South African consciousness

  • A people with the most ancient DNA.
  • A people who created a gowas or language that can be traced to the origins of humankind.
  • A people whose cattle and wealth built South Africa.
  • A people whose ancestors were the first to KHAIMA or rose up against colonial injustices in South Africa
  • A people forgotten in a Coloured identity and the words of the Dutch aka Afrikaans.  

Screenings include shorts, animation and documentary films will be followed by discussions and/or conversations with the aim to raise increased awareness and to encourage people to question the challenges faced by KHOIKHOI communities in Southern Africa.

It would be great if you could share the event poster to your networks and if you could send it to any filmmakers who have made Khoikhoi themed content.

You can find more information about the festival here.

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