
Publishing Studies Webinar: Call for Papers

7 augustus 2023
Auteur: Persbericht


Theme/Topic: Children’s Books in South Africa
Date: 20 September 2023

This webinar aims to foster knowledge exchange around children’s books and children’s book publishing in South Africa. Facing both opportunities and challenges in a multicultural country, this webinar aims to explore all facets of children’s book publishing. We invite industry professionals, educators, and scholars to examine critical issues around the children’s book publishing industry.

This webinar encourages presentations with the following list of possible topics for papers:

  • Technology and new ways of presenting content to children, encouraging reading culture and improving literacy
  • Translations and co-productions
  • Accessibility – languages, cost of books, infrastructure
  • Issues around inclusivity in children’s books, for example illustrations, themes, and genre development

We are accepting proposals for:

  • Research paper: 20-minute presentation.
  • Group proposal for round table discussion of key issues: 1-hour discussion including questions

Abstracts should be 250 words, accompanied by a 100-word biography.

Please submit abstracts by 25 August 2023 as a Word file to or

Date: Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Time: TBA
Venue: Zoom link to follow

RSVP: By 13 September 2023 using the Google Form: BolZ5oNts6SHpPFA/viewform?usp=pp_url

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