
Verschijnt binnenkort: Afrikaans Linguistics. Contemporary Perspectives

21 oktober 2024
Auteur: Team Zuid-Afrikahuis


Offering a contemporary exploration of the multifaceted landscape of Afrikaans linguistics, Afrikaans Linguistics: Contemporary Perspectives marks a seminal contribution to the field. This volume, for the first time, presents accessible insights into diverse linguistics subdisciplines, inviting international scholars to familiarize themselves with Afrikaans language studies. Throughout much of the late 19th and 20th centuries, Afrikaans scholars predominantly communicated in Afrikaans, resulting in a significant gap in the dissemination of knowledge about the language. The chapters in this book, written by prominent South Africans, as well as international scholars working in the field of Afrikaans, serve as a pivotal bridge, by providing essential historical context while also paying attention to the development of Afrikaans linguistics during the 20th century. The primary focus remains on illuminating 21st century research trajectories, offering a comprehensive snapshot of contemporary scholarship in Afrikaans linguistics.

The book contains 17 different chapters on Afrikaans linguistics: on language history, historical linguistics, syntax, morphology, semantics, phonology, normative linguistics, four chapters on variation – introductory to the field, Cape Afrikaans, Patagonian Afrikaans and Namibian Afrikaans –, language acquisition, language learning, e-resources for Afrikaans. Then also an overview of the development of Afrikaans linguistics with an indication of focus areas and concludes with an informative chapter on Afrikaans in an international context. There were 23 collaborators, nationally and internationally, and it involved experts in the respective fields as writers.  Each chapter was evaluated by at least five experts.

Bestelinformatie: African Sun Media

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