
Nieuwe aanwinsten in de bibliotheek

7 juni 2021
Auteur: Team Zuid-Afrikahuis


Mapping my way home. Activism, nostalgia, and the downfall of apartheid South Africa
Stephanie J. Urdang
Monthly Review Press, [2017]
ISBN 9781583676677

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Stephanie Urdang was born in Cape Town, South Africa, into a white, Jewish family staunchly opposed to the apartheid regime. In 1967, at the age of twenty-three, no longer able to tolerate the grotesque iniquities and oppression of apartheid, she chose exile and emigrated to the United States. There she embraced feminism, met anti-apartheid and solidarity movement activists, and encountered a particularly American brand of racial injustice. Urdang also met African revolutionaries such as Amilcar Cabral, who would influence her return to Africa and her subsequent journalism. This is a personal narrative, beautifully told, of a journey traveled by an indefatigable exile who, while yearning for home, continued to question where, as a citizen of both South Africa and the United States, she belongs.

Rebel. Die lewe van kommandant Hans Lötter, 1873-1901
Chris Schoeman
Protea Boekhuis, 2019
ISBN 9781485310846

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Van al die gebeure in die Kaapkolonie gedurende die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog het die teregstelling van Hans Lötter, asook dié van kmdt. Gideon Scheepers, die meeste emosie onder Afrikaners ontketen. Lötter en sy mederebelle in die Kolonie het die verbeelding van die plaaslike bevolking aangegryp en die Britte maande lank hoofbrekens besorg. Sy gevangeneming, verhoor en teregstelling deur ’n Britse vuurpeloton op Middelburg, Kaap, het groot woede en verontwaardiging veroorsaak en hom verewig as Boeremartelaar in die Afrikaner-volksoorleweringe. Nou word sy boeiende verhaal vir die eerste keer volledig vertel.

Klip lied snaar
Antjie Krog; Anne Vanschothorst (componist); Nederlandse vertaling Robert Dorsman
Harp and Soul Productions, 2020

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Klip lied snaar bevat een keuze uit de mooiste poëzie van Antjie Krog, een muziek-cd waarop zij een tiental gedichten voordraagt. Componist Anne Vanschothorst heeft aan haar voordracht harpmuziek toegevoegd. De stemopnames zijn met toestemming van de dichter en Uitgeverij Podium overgenomen van de cd die bij de bundel ‘Wat de sterren zeggen’ is uitgegeven. De geschreven gedichten zijn tweetalig afgedrukt, in het Afrikaans en in het Nederlands.

François Bloemhof
Imbali General & Trade Publishers, 2019
ISBN 9780639911014

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Carl wil sy jonger broer, Robbie, red uit ‘Die Dieretuin’ – daardie magtige huis waar sy stinkryk tante en haar twee kinders bly, want Carl weet wat in kelder gebeur… Maar wil Robbie gered word, of is hy al té diep in die mag van die donker vasgevang? Wil hy daar wees?

In ’n land sonder voëls
Harry Kalmer
Penguin Random House Suid-Afrika (Edms.) Bpk., 2019
ISBN 9781485904014

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Wanneer ’n mediese dokter die aandag van die Sentinels trek, moet hy deur ’n verwoeste landskap vlug. In ’n wêreld waar ’n skynson lig verskaf, raak hy ’n pion in ’n komplot waarvan hy onbewus is. Selfs die verdwyning van sy kind tydens die chaos en die kosopstande voor die Wending kon hom nie hierop voorberei nie.

In ’n land sonder voëls is ’n verdoemende ondersoek na die impak van ’n totalitêre bestel en een man se besinning oor sterflikheid en dít wat ons mense maak.

(Dit boek zal later dit jaar ook onderwerp worden van de leeskring)

Loud and yellow laughter
Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese
Botsotso, 2016
ISBN 9780981420585

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This debut collection of poetry was awarded the 2018 Ingrid Jonker prize for poetry. A collection of 39 pieces, some mystical and elliptical, some seemingly mundane snatches of prose-poetry that retain a poetic intensity, together they create an atmosphere of nostalgia tinged with a subtle yet matter-of-fact sadness. Accompanied by a series of graphic images, made up of old photographic portraits and scenes of natural beauty.

Film van de maand:

Hansie. A true story
DVD, 2019

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‘How do you start over once you have betrayed a nation’s trust?’ The news of Hansie Cronjé’s involvement with Indian bookmakers and his resulting public confession rocked the international sporting community. An unprecedented rise to glory was followed by the most horrific fall. A tarnished hero fueled the nation’s fury. Hansie, once South African cricket’s golden boy, had been stripped of everything he had held dear: a glorious captaincy, the support of his former team mates and the respect of a nation. In its place the stinging rejection of cricket administrators and the humiliating dissection of his life on international television, made his retreat into depression inevitable. Hansie’s bravest moment in finally confessing his involvement with bookies had suddenly become a tightening noose around his neck. Hansie explores the very human drama of a man who, after losing everything he has worked for, begins the painstaking journey back to choosing “life”. The journey is cathartic. We celebrate with him in his glorious victories on the cricket field but by the same token, we feel the agony of his dishonor and the relief when he finally forgives himself, weeping in the arms of his friend and mentor, Peter Pollock. Amidst the darkness of his downfall, we are inspired by the power his wife’s unswerving love, which shines like a beacon of hope. Hansie’s journey takes us to South Africa, India and England and his team’s fiercest battles are against the mighty Australians. The movie is enlivened through the cultural diversity of its backdrop, with the colors of India, its rambling buildings and beautiful sunsets, adding a notable poignancy to the drama. Like us, Hansie is both glorious and flawed and like him we recognize our need for acceptance and love. Hansie is a movie that will captivate with its human drama, its action-packed sequences and its riveting match-fixing intrigue. But above all the movie will reassure you of the ability of us all to overcome life’s difficulties with grace and dignity.

Jeugdboek van de maand:

Die virus in die woud
Wietske Boon; illustrasies deur Jokie Boshoff
Kraal Uitgewers, 2020
ISBN 9781990915062

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Daar het ’n siekte uitgebreek aan die vêrste punt van die woud. Die diere is benoud, skarrel rond en raak selfs bang, maar die wyse Dr. Uil het ’n plan!

Kom vind uit hoe Pippi Posmeester, Nolsie Naaldekoker, Mou Meerkat en die ander woudbewoners saamwerk en saam gesond bly.

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